The National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA) is a network of all Australian State and Territory Out of School Hours Services (OSHC) Associations. These organisations promote provision of Out of School Hours Services and act as a united voice to advocate both to Government and the community for excellence in service provision.
Out of School Hours Services (OSHC) are a vital and important part of many children’s lives in Australia today. We believe that access to a quality OSHC service has the capacity to enrich children’s lives, support families and build community.
NOSHSA through the combined memberships of our state and territory associations currently represent over 3500 Australian OSHC services
As an organisation our work is underpinned by a deep philosophical commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). In particular, Article 31 (The child’s right to play and leisure opportunities) and Article 12 (The child’s right to express an opinion and have that opinion considered).
Your local OSHC service as a member of your State/Territory Association has a National voice on Out of School Hours Services issues through NOSHSA and in doing so safeguards the rights of all Australian children to access quality, age appropriate OSHC services.
December, 2023
Read the latest edition of 'All About OSHC'
December, 2023
WERA TASK FORCE Conference Brisbane 2024: Call for Papers announced!
August, 2022
Based on findings from the 2019 NQF Review, Commonwealth, state and territory education ministers have agreed to changes to the National Quality Framework (NQF).